
Showing posts from April, 2020


RZ & TH Opportunity Facility of Library. Individual instruction from the Team Leader / Supervises. Communication facilities has improved (Zoom/Signal/Wtsup) Good platform for Questions & Answers. International Travel. Weaknesses Loosing & forgetting password & username. No check list Not organized stuff for easy access from home. We have got valuable data which have to be sorted & digitized. Some equipment need repair & service. Proposals been not accepted. Require sufficient time to finish up targets. Threats        Some do not have computer or internet connection at home. Need of technical expertise. Increase of Global infection problem Global financial crisis - leading to low funding opportunity. Human threats-( careless employees  or on line Hackers). Natural & environment threats ( Flood,Fire,vireos) Technology failures ( System crashing).     

Admin Theme OTF - 28-29.04.2020

  Two files attached Participants - TH, RZ, FS 1. Admin_Task_OTF_Ver2 (excel file with all the admin tasks OTF in details) 2. Admin task list in diagram (This was done around 2017 with all the admin tasks) Below is a outline of Admin Theme.  OFFICE MANAGEMENT      Filing and Record keeping  ·   Currently most documents are soft copies. Can upload these files in to Cloud storage device.  ·   Currently files that are been stored manually have to be scanned and saved as a soft copy.   Next Steps ·   Manually stored file to be scan and save it with a suitable name. ·   Cross check all the files what it already in email attachments and in cloud storage devices such as in G-drive.  ·   Create alternative accounts for sharing files in cloud storage devices.  ·   Create an online account through g-drive or Dropbox as an option. ·   Create a file structure to allocate each file in these drives for easy access and quick reference.  ·   Allocate a person to monitor &

Why this blog

As we don't seem to not have a blog for admin - I created one - so as not to lose the name. You can include information in your emails or messages that have lasting value here.

Admin Zoom Meeting

Time - 10.30 - 1.00 Participants - RZ, TH, FS Topics Discussed Leave & Attendance/Monitoring of work from home. Data Usage Inventory Maintains Library Legal work AWWA authentication details 1. Leave & Attendance  FS -  will Update the leave & attendance up to-date with the available information ,as in some members daily work report has not reached FS. Thereafter RZ will takeover the task. 2. Data Usage we thought to open a google sheet. Can fill up by each member of the additional data usage. On monitoring with the work can be decided for a reimbursement. This will be monitored with the work done online.  Google sheets don’t open so easy with slow connections and multiple devices - so you can try and see - because staff should be motivated for this.  Else, the thing to do is develop an online form that writes to a google sheet - this is not so hard.  Also, eventually, this is under Finance and if RZ is going to use WAVE - then how will this work that software.    3. Invento

Admin Meeting - 2nd April. 2020

ADMIN MEETING 10.10 To 10.50 AM Attendance - RZ and TH  Agenda  Admin Operations Trello Board The Weekly and Daily Reports  Meeting Follow ups - Feedback from LZ The power point document and excel document  - comments LZ asked what the response to Email sent below was. However, no one had read that email.  LZ expressed disappointment - saying that critical time was taken by him away from proposal development to advance the review of Admin Operations and for making it work better.  There have been extraordinary delays on this ever since this was requested a month ago  There was no follow up. From the admin side - many emails are not being answered.  The Trello Board is not being used. Worst even the weekly and daily reports have not been coming in properly from Senior Staff who are responsible for monitoring.    He felt that he had expressed the following   The organization is in a crisis.   there is only 1 grant that is running out  financial