Admin Zoom Meeting

Time - 10.30 - 1.00

Participants - RZ, TH, FS

Topics Discussed

  1. Leave & Attendance/Monitoring of work from home.
  2. Data Usage
  3. Inventory
  4. Maintains Library
  5. Legal work
  6. AWWA authentication details

1. Leave & Attendance

 FS -  will Update the leave & attendance up to-date with the available information ,as in some members daily work report has not reached FS. Thereafter RZ will takeover the task.

2. Data Usage

we thought to open a google sheet. Can fill up by each member of the additional data usage. On monitoring with the work can be decided for a reimbursement. This will be monitored with the work done online. 

Google sheets don’t open so easy with slow connections and multiple devices - so you can try and see - because staff should be motivated for this. 

Else, the thing to do is develop an online form that writes to a google sheet - this is not so hard. 

Also, eventually, this is under Finance and if RZ is going to use WAVE - then how will this work that software. 

 3. Inventory

We discussed to set up it on line. When possible to take an inventory of all computer / Accessories/ etc and and to set on line so that when we need anything it will be easy to access.  TH will organize this RZ will be a backup. Inventory list will be in g-drive and a link will be share with staff members to see inventory list and its location. they cannot edit it. Only FS, TH, RZ can edit.  

4. Library ( Digana & Akurana)

We thought to put in G-drive and to share. only to check and not Editing, Should be able to access from Digana and Akurana. TH will handle this with RZ as a backup.

KA has updated the  library list with the new book list. This is because she has used a pen drive from Digana.   KV did the last update but did not take  backup because of virus in her PC. TH agreed to attend once he could get to office.

OK - the lists on the internal page is not updated - we should update. The landings is something you can think about. 

5. Legal work to Hand over with a list and in detail to PN. RZ and TH will support him.

6. AWWA authentication details

To check with Aqeel. he was the last person worked with AWWA site. TH will look in to this and coordinate with DV and CG. 


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