Admin Meeting - 2nd April. 2020


10.10 To 10.50 AM

Attendance - RZ and TH 


  • Admin Operations
  • Trello Board
  • The Weekly and Daily Reports 
  • Meeting Follow ups - Feedback from LZ
  • The power point document and excel document  - comments

LZ asked what the response to Email sent below was. However, no one had read that email. 

LZ expressed disappointment - saying that critical time was taken by him away from proposal development to advance the review of Admin Operations and for making it work better. 

There have been extraordinary delays on this ever since this was requested a month ago 

There was no follow up. From the admin side - many emails are not being answered. 

The Trello Board is not being used. Worst even the weekly and daily reports have not been coming in properly from Senior Staff who are responsible for monitoring. 


He felt that he had expressed the following 

  •  The organization is in a crisis. 
  •  there is only 1 grant that is running out
  •  financial projections show that we shall run out of funds in 11 months 
  •  We need to act now to avoid falling off the cliff. 
  •  no longer is he confident of getting grants as funds shall get diverted by the agencies
  •  to stand a chance we need to have the communication working properly, publishing done and grant work proceed
  •  However without admin working - nothing can get done. 

At present, LZ spends unto 50% of a 12-16 hour week day 7 days a week on covering up for admin. This is damaging for the organizations future as he should be publishing, talking to donors and applying for grants. 

 While one of the sheets in the Excel file was updated - the first two were not - 

Many of the tasks are far from SMART. Without a SWOT analysis - it’s hard to prioritize - so we should do one. 

 And do it honestly even if uncomfortable and to talk about it honestly. However, the Senior Staff are not appreciating the problem or are not responding to it.  Nor are they setting a good example 

  •  by responding to emails 
  •  sending weekly reports 
  •  updating the Trello Boards 

He went through the power point document and excel document sent - he has sent more comments below 

  • They are cluttered - and what is important is lost
  • It is not updated - meaning, it’s not being used for management - and not taken seriously
  • the Planning and Monitoring section - the most critical has been taken out 
  • there is duplication and things that do not belong I that theme are there
  • it seems that these documents are not being used for work allocation and monitoring 
  • Excel tasks are not SMART - imprecise. 

While he appreciated the many key contributions that the key staff are making and his person relationship with the key staff, 

It may be that there is mismatch between aptitudes, ability to work from home (proper space, lack of disturbance, computers and WIFI connectivity) - and that is understandable - but if so better acknowledge that and accordingly manage. 

Admin Staff have until 10 AM on Monday to clean all this up and to complete


  • the full review of Strategic Planning 
  • including past meetings discussion 
  • set up a SWOT analysis 
  • make the tasks meaningful 
  • rank in terms of priority/importance and urgency using our Trello Categories 
  • provide the transformation plan 



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