Admin Theme OTF - 28-29.04.2020

 Two files attached

Participants - TH, RZ, FS

1. Admin_Task_OTF_Ver2 (excel file with all the admin tasks OTF in details)

2. Admin task list in diagram (This was done around 2017 with all the admin tasks)

Below is a outline of Admin Theme. 


    Filing and Record keeping 

·  Currently most documents are soft copies. Can upload these files in to Cloud storage device. 

·  Currently files that are been stored manually have to be scanned and saved as a soft copy.


Next Steps

·  Manually stored file to be scan and save it with a suitable name.

·  Cross check all the files what it already in email attachments and in cloud storage devices such as in G-drive. 

·  Create alternative accounts for sharing files in cloud storage devices. 

·  Create an online account through g-drive or Dropbox as an option.

·  Create a file structure to allocate each file in these drives for easy access and quick reference. 

·  Allocate a person to monitor & maintain these files. 


Future Work

·  Obtain Cloud storage accounts.

Office Maintenance 

·  This we need to do after curfew lift. 



·  We need to do a physical check for this. cannot do it online check. 



·  Physical check is needed.

·  After dong a physical check can update the inventory sheet and upload the file. 

Next Steps

·  Do a physical check after curfew

·  Update inventory list and upload the file to easy access.

·  Assign few people to access these files to edit


·  Need to monitor physically for stationary items needed. .

·  Can purchase goods online and offline

·  Can monitor online by updating a for stationary 

Next Steps

·  For online purchasing need to get online banking facility 


·  Need to monitor physically for supplies items needed. .

·  Can purchase online and offline if needed

·  Can monitor online by updating a for Supplies

Next Steps

·  For online purchasing need to get online banking facility 


Inventory Monitoring

·  Can do online monitoring for Inventory. 

Next Steps

·  Need to physical check of inventory items and its locations

·  Update the inventory file accordingly. 

·  Upload the file to gdrive to easy access and share with few staff members have edited writes to do update on inventory list.


Library - Book

·  Can do online monitoring of where the books are. 

·  Physical check is needed for verifying the locations of the books

Next Steps

·  Look for online open source software. 

·  Setting it up and upload the current database of library entries to it. 

·  Physically check the books when curfew lifts. 

·  Assign a one person to handle this. 

Library - Journal Papers 

·  Can do online monitoring of where the Journal papers are. 

·  Physical check is needed for verifying the locations of the papers. 

Next Steps

·  Look for online open source software or setup a cloud storage account. 

·  Setting it up and upload the current Journals to the software or to cloud account. 

·  Physically check the journal papers when curfew lifts. 

·  Assign a one person to handle this. 

Library - CD's

·  Can upload small number of CD software for easy access in gdrive or any other (Cloud storage)

·  Can upload backups of individuals working files in gdrive or any other (Cloud storage)

Next Steps

·  Look for cloud storage providers 

·  Upload most used software to this drive. 

·  Share links to download the files. 



·  Can publish vacancies online 

Next Steps

·  Looking in wed advertisements that keep advertisements for more than one week. 

·  Through the internet we can find and do a research on this and partner up with an organization that provides and or handles new recruitment

·  Supervision & Monitoring 

·  Need to buildup strong relationship with other organizations / Institutions / universities

Comments follow: From LZ

 There is a lot here - so appreciate the effort and worth it to review this - as it seems we have not reviewed things properly.


What is the history of this document?

Seems dated from JV period

Have we reviewed this afterwards?

What is the monitoring mechanism we had for this?

Some comments:

·         Re-Allocation of FS tasks -

·         Add Columns - was this done adequately? (before curfews)

·         Task List - is outdated - and includes things that are not only Admin

·         It is also NOT SMART - e.g. Resolve Admin Problems

·         Does not make distinction between recurring tasks, one time tasks, constant tasks

·         Proposed talks should be prioritized based on a SW (OT) analysis - I have shown this.

Additional Processes to Consider

-          Monitoring Plan

-          Internal Audit -  Admin needs this

-          Recording SOP's and Standard Formats


-          file name violates R&G #1 

-          in the future - let’s try to make this printer friendly - too much grey shade printing.

-          pl add how much staff time goes for each box.


-          Useful to review and clean this up

-          It is dated - can we fit it in max of two pages - - and too cluttered with duplicates - some items from other themes

-          And minor items taking less than 1% of staff time.

Useful to review this

-          As discussed yesterday - the Planning and Monitoring which was there in 2017 has been dropped - WHY?

-          Moving it to Strategic Planning is not an ANSWER - that is only matters the board considers.

-          We may have to set up Internal Audits of the Operations - if we are running an ISO certified operations

-          We need codification of procedures - if we are running an ISO certified operations


But to understand what is important in this 6 page diagram - can you estimate

-          the # of days of staff time spent last year on this - if it was different in previous years - put a range

-          staff to be allocated when working online. 

-          if these are pretty minor - then try to combine the items - else we are wasting time on things that are unimportant  - esp monitoring

-          review repeated items - such as Stationnery, Akurana Office Guidelines

-          Review the items that should be shifted to other themes- e.g. - PC Hardware and support, Annual Reports, Annual Progress Reports

-          Things that are done in collaboration with other themes to be mentioned

-          what are the things that belong to Strategic Management - things that the board has to improve - and is cross-cutting - so GIS and Graphics Guide is not under Admin.

-          If you allocate time spent on each of these - you shall find that, you need not separate out some of the items

-          the computer inventory should be with the Computer Theme

Personnel Management

-          Not clear what you are referring to in these categories such as Assigning Responsibility, Leave, and Attendance- are these different?

Library and Listings

-          Why do we need so many categories - check how much time each one takes. If less that one day, we don’t need a category.


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