Participants - LZ, RZ, TH, AH, FS, ZJ

Time - 2.00 – 3.25


-          Admin Blog

-          OSF – Documents uploaded by TH & ZJ

-          Trello Board – Admin & HR

OSF Page

-          LZ explained how to edit wiki page, how to add image/links

-          Need to provide description in the wiki page – FS / 08.11.2020

-          Organized all the uploaded documents - FS / 08.11.2020


Trello Board

-          Admin Trello Board

1.       Better use of Wi-Fi packages

·         There is SLTgo - how many persons can put that App - so they can use the Digana office Package.

·         Should we downgrade the Digana office package and the Akurana?

·         Monitor the usage - AM / ZJ - and adjust accordingly

2.       Review Remaining Admin Trello Boards

·         Decided  to maintain

o   Admin – FS

o   HR - RZ/FS ?

o   Orgs - DS / FECT / TCG / Trust –

o   VSO - FECT / TC

o   Legal – RZ

o   Finance – RZ

o   Re-Org – LZ

3.       NAITA Registration

·         Check Form for NAITA Registration for Training

·         Find out from Hotline how to submit the forms

·         Prepare forms and submit

·         Inform Kandy NATIA Office

·         Inform Matale NATIA Office

NOTE - We have already filled this form sent via Email, by post & handover by MR to the Kandy NAITA office. MR also said the same thing TH said. They said, first they will come for an inspection. - As I remembered.


-          Admin /HR – check  & make it as a smart tasks – RZ help from FS / 13.11.2020

-          Conclusions

            Organized all the documents

            Update the Trello Boards


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