Admin Meeting - 17.11.2020

 Attendance - LZ,TH,RZ,ZJ

- Organize the office documents in the relevant places since staff are not attending there are particularly things out of order, we had a form of Legal work- so that needs to be arranged (RZ, ZJ, TH to attend to this)
- RTI Letters to be revised and posted as soon as possible
- Come up with plans on how to organize the Legal cupboards, should we buy another cupboard or filing cabinet?
- Exclude forwarding mails to AH in emails as she shall be unavailable for 3 weeks

Collaboration Boards
- Update the Trello boards of Admin/HR/Legal/Re-org as decided in the past meetings (FS,RZ)
- IT Trello Boards - IT master task list, Instruments, Communication to be updated by TH

Generate materials for Notice Board + Reference files
-Take prints of the updated Staff contact list, purchase contacts, service contacts, google calendar, Health, IT and work from Home Guidelines, Akurana & Digana guidelines, Updated rules & regulation guidelines, Updated Handbooks, List of Trello boards, Blogs, OSF, Websites, Dengue project Gantt chart - ZJ

Operational tasks
- What is the way in which Admins team can keep track of operational tasks? RZ,FS,TH to come up with plans

Bank details
- RZ to prepare a list of Bank details with the Account no. and contact details and handover a copy to LZ 

- How to attend to mails in Digana & Akurana, RZ,FS,TH to update

HR Advertisements
- Advertisements didn't yield many applications, only 3 direct contacts, HR to follow up via contacts - HR team the next steps to follow up   


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