
Showing posts from May, 2021

Admin Meeting Minutes on 20/05/2021

 Participants - LZ / RZ / AN / TH Main points of the meeting.  Meeting discussions were held under the topics of Admin / HR / Legal overall theme progress.  Recruitment progress Staff Reporting  Point 1 - Discuss about the Admin theme review progress.  Dr mentioned, There is no clarity on who's responsible for the themes and tasks.  There is a lack of supervision and reporting.  Proper Audit has not been done for each theme.  The shortcomings have not been listed for the themes.  For each team member what is the responsibility to carry forward and to respond.  FS is doing her best and RZ / AN / TH needs to support her.  Point 2 - Next steps for recruitment. What is the progress on recruitment? RZ explained there are few two candidates who have applied through WhatsApp. She said she'll call them and check.  Dr mentioned there is a person applied for Accounts assistant. Dr said he'll call him for an interview today itself.  TH said UA has contacted Mr. Hettiarachchi and He wi

Admin/HR/Legal - Meeting on 19.05.2021

Meeting Minutes 10.30am - 12.00pm   Discussed topics 1. Recruitments 2. Duties of Admin/HR/Legal person 3. Trello Boards (Admin/HR/Work Reporting) 4. Issuing a new staff ID 5. Disinfecting the Digana Office     1.   Issuing a new staff ID           Discussed about issuing a new staff ID.  -            At present we have given a Digana address. This can be a matter for questioning when coming to Akurana.  So, either we can give both addresses or to leave out the address. (Digana /Akurana) -            TH will send a new format for the ID -            Will provide related details & photos by FS   Compile into a folder (Name/ NIC No/Photos/Emergency contact No) -            Open a new card in TB for this and when done and Issued RZ responsible to mark as Issued.   2.    Duties of Admin/HR/Legal person       Discussed the duties prepared by RZ & updated by FS -            Decided to come up with a tasks list for each. From that will check what task is completed, what is in progress